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5130 Duke Street, Suite # 2
Alexandria VA

(703) 751-1111

MedPlus Pharmacy puts its patients first; we provide quality and cost-effective pharmacy products. Our pharmacy believes in patient awareness, customer satisfaction, and professional integrity.

Our New Website Has Launched!

News & Events

Our New Website Has Launched!


We are pleased to announce that our new website is live and ready for the world to view. We have designed our layout with simplicity, ease of use, and accessibility in mind. It will be a tool for both fulfilling our mission and helping us provide better resources to our clients.

This new website will keep pace with our growing organization by rolling out new content, educational programs, and other initiatives in the coming months.This includes providing better information to our corporate clients, and integrating more with social media.

We hope you enjoy the new website. Please feel free to send us comments or feedback. On behalf of all of us at MedPlus, thanks for visiting.